A Little Rusty

Hello again, 

Wow, I didn’t realize how much longer I’ve been away, I am feeling rusty. Love to get back into blogging again maybe, once a week or more. Time is what I don’t have the luxury with than I used to. Oh, I still do kindness to people, but doesn’t have the time to post.

See you soon,


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“Clean Up My GF’s House”

My girlfriend has two little kids, and you know how it is with having kids time is usually very tight. So, during our chats she mentioned that she did not have time to clean up the house, and felt a bit embarrassed by it. My respond to that is I didn’t visit them for the house being clean, I honestly did not care, what I really enjoy is to have some time to play with the children. And since, I have some time I decided to sweep and mop the floor. I love it! Of course, I still have a load of fun time together!!

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“I Am Back”

Last week I felt overwhelmed with life, so, I decided to take some time off from blogging. I recommend stepping back a little and examine our responsibilities, or our schedule, or lifestyle. As I look around my environment I appreciate  more and more about my life  and my health. Anyway, have you ever met someone in the wheelchair? What do you do if you don’t know them? Do you avoid them, or try to be friendly with them? For me the best way to let them know I care is to give them a hug. Sure, sometimes the person may feel awkward, but the surest way to make friendships is a hug and spend the time to talk with them. Thank you for reading. Cheers!

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“Are You Nervous”

A question I often ask clients if it is their first visit with us. Not because we are incompetent in what we do, but because clients could not visualize what they can expect from the products and services. So, I do ask if they are nervous. Here is my daily dose of kindness.

-Respecting client emotions.

-Asking relevant questions.

-Serve beverages.

-Get client talking about their interest.

-Help them feel relax, if possible.

-Before starting the service, I make sure we are in the same page.

-Help client see what to expect when service is finished.

-Be empathetic, and authentic.

When Jane left she is all smiling and feeling confident again. This is why I love what I do because I make a difference in my customers life, daily! Thanks for visiting my site.

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“Flu Season”

Hi Everyone, I was going to post something so irrelevant today. Then I thought to myself don’t be silly, whose going to waste their time to read it? People will have better things than to read silly post. Whatever silliness it might be it will remain locked until the right moment.

In the meantime, though, the flu season is almost upon us. I know, I know, we really don’t want to be reminded of the misery when we get sick. However, when you need to get better, and quick at least, it will be at your finger tips.

Promise you will respect my family medicinal recipe? Thanks. Sliced up a half of your palm size ginger, 3 cups of water, 2 cloves of peeled garlic and bring it to boil in low heat for 15 minutes. In a cup add 1-teaspoon, or more of dark honey if possible, or any organic honey, or brown sugar will do. Let it cool for a bit and drink the freshly made ginger tea half an hour before going to sleep. For many people the taste is not pleasant (I was told), but if you can stand the smell or taste you will feel better the next day. I even drink the leftover in the morning, too. This concoction is great for people who hates taking pills over the counter. No side effects and it has some benefits in it you’ll never receive from lab manufactured stuff. Also, this concoction is sooooooo amazing when you lost your voice, or tonsillitis problem. Of course, don’t just take my word for it, try it! If it works though, to make sure you pass it around! Perhaps, many people will appreciate it, like my family.

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“Chit Chats With Maria”

The most exciting part of living is rediscovering how to live again. 

-Find a new job if what you got is no longer offering you a challenge.

-Find a new hobby.

-Be hunger and thirst for God.

-Challenge your mind, always. Don’t let it idle.

-Do kind acts to others, beside your family.

-Pursue opportunity, don’t wait for it to come your way.

-Do one thing nice just for you.

-Learn to appreciate one thing about your world.

So, to all the Maria’s out there, by not doing anything about your situations your taking the risk. Do something before life passes by! Start living a life.

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” My Eternal 10 Minutes Investment”

Finally! After two weeks of missing out the plans my friend and I have set up, we finally did it tonight! I heard people say, the first time is the struggle because there are so many things we could have done, or be somewhere else. Tonight, we did it. We made good to our promises. We prayed!!!!!!!!!

We were being reminded of how blessed we are for having an incredible healthy bodies and family. So, we want to start by saying thank you for this wonderful blessings God. Sometimes, we rather just want to live our lives in our own terms, and doing exactly what we feel is right in our own way without thinking that maybe, you have something that you’d like us to do but we are blind. We are asking of your forgiveness for our sins, you called pride. Father, these are our request tonight, that you would grant your power and strength to these our brothers and sisters; for Wayne, Ted, and Jolene- for providing them their Sundays transportation. By their friendships that you would continue to bless us, as they feel your comfort and love bless them beyond what they ask for. That your Holy Spirit would  continue to work in them through joy and satisfied life. For Jennifer, that she will be curious and want to know you, personally. That you would create a believing heart in her. We also, pray for the up and coming ministries in the fall, through these ministries we could reach and love our communities for Jesus. Send us enough people to participate in the sewing, knitting night, and the food-serving ministries, so that, those folks who did not a home could have warm socks, toques, scarves, and mittens during winter times. 

We also remember to thank you for sending us a Godly Pastor, a man after God’s own heart. As you promised that you will continue to meet their needs, daily. We also pray for Kevin and Pamela for their amazing ministry for your kingdom. We pray for good health, their daily bread, wisdom to discern and hear your voice. As you promise you’ll never leave us, nor abandon us. Sometimes, we may not understand your ways, but I know we can trust your heart. Because you are so great-for this we lift up the men in our church that you preserve them holy, and Godly to stand firm against all temptations around them. At home, at work, and their social life. Create in us, the women in our church Godly, to have the confidence in you, but humble as we serve you. 

Father, we want to take care of this earthly body you have given us. My friend and I are both looking for a running partner. It would have been so perfect if we live in the same community. Having a running partner would make the running fun and safer. We know that in your timing, we will. We thank you ahead of time for answering what we ask, not because of what we have done, but because of what you have done on the cross that we could come to your presence, anytime. Thank you again father. May you receive all the glory and honor that is due to you. Amen. 

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“Creating Memorable Experience”

I’m not sure about you, but whenever I served some one wealthy, a public figure, or out-of-towner I get so nervous. Especially, when they share a bit about their last experience whether it’s good, or bad. The perfectionist in me always gets in the way to act natural and authentic in every way possible. Lol, what to do with this? 

Anyway, I have a client visiting for the very first time in the shop I work. He and the whole family drove in from the East. Our receptionist relatse back to me what he said he didn’t like about the company back east. He felt like just a number, issues after issues, and instead looking at the root of the problem the employees of the company will blame the technology, or the delivery. Every one and everything got the blame, but themselves. This is my issue with any large corporation, they have lost the art of customer service. I used to work with company like that. I left after 1-1/2 year.  It’s better for this company to start cleaning their own act and treat their  customers professionally. This way, people will feel being understood and be more empathetic at them. 

I feel however, responsible to make sure his visit with us is something very positive. One of my philosophies in life is that we only have 10 seconds to make an impact. And based on the body language, his smile, and tips he gave me, not to mention the satisfaction look from his wife I say I won his business over. I have the feeling, even though, he lives east that he will continue his patronage with us in years to come. So lessons learned today? People no matter what their skin color is, their status in society, and educations, want to be treated with integrity and respect. If it is in my power to do what is good and what is right I will not hesitate to act. What about you? 

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How would you respond when someone tells you you saved my life, twice? (Not literally like; jumping on an icy water down the lake, or pulling someone from a burning house, kind of talk.) I think, this is one of a description of someone saying; you have inspired me to look at another options for my career! 

How about Sasha? This person truly exist. I met this introvert, young lady maybe three months ago, she is very sweet and going to high school. I ask her what she wants to do in life? Simple questions, right? Wrong! Very few people could actually answer this question without hesitations. So, Sasha didn’t know the answer to that and she was very candid about it! I guess she was challenged enough to do some soul searching in the directions that’s best for her in the long run. Here are some questions I posed to Sasha before we parted our ways. 

1. What are the kind of things you enjoy doing? Not what people expects of you?

2. What are your passion? That when you do it you find satisfaction in it?

3. Do you see yourself doing that career in five years, ten years, or twenty years?

4. How do you describe your gifts, personality, and values? Can you see it intertwining with your career options?

5. Would you be willing to use your purpose to make an impact into changing the world?

Our second meeting; Sasha came up to me. As we were catching up she told me how much she loves designing clothes and that she’s wanting to become a fashion designer. Ah, without any hesitation, I told Sasha that my niece and sister are amazing designers and told her that she must learn how to sew. She is very excited of this news because she was looking very hard to find someone who could teach her how to sew, well. At this very moment that I understood her words “you saved me twice”. In her mind, it is a confirmation to pursue a career in the fashion industry. I am happy to help Sasha find her passion, early on in life. I was one of those people to have had someone who believed and saw my potentials and had encouraged me to pursue it. If you have been helped before why not help others today?

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“House Cleaning”

It has been a whirlwind of exciting stuff around here this week. The weather is more than cooperating, attended the picnic, meeting new friends, catching with the old, lots of cooking, lately. Gardening is on-going, thing. Biking more this year, still volunteering, church life. Whew! It’s full, isn’t it?

To be honest, I kind of ignoring my own home. So today, I decided to do my cleaning. Wipes all the furniture, wipe the walls, the pictures, and clean the bathroom. We just got our dishwasher machine fixed today, too. Yay! My husband is happy because he hates washing the dishes by hands. He’s been doing a lot of hand washing, lately. Lol. Did you have an awesome Monday?

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